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Our promise is in our name

The First week of February brought some very exciting visitors from Maytag Commerical Laundry’s American Head office all the way “down under” to Perth!

Dependable Laundry Solutions Company Directors David and Gabrielle Worthington, General Manager Chad Pilbeam and Sales and Marketing Manager Sam Nolthenius were very pleased to welcome back Maytag Commerical Sales Manager Mauricio Souza Lima as well as International Sales Manager Steve Hietpas and Trey Northrup,  General Manager of Commercial Laundry.

This was the first visit for Steve and Trey to Perth an opportunity for the Whirlpool Management Team to get a truly hands-on feel of the Commerical and Industrial laundry marketplace in Australia.

Everybody involved over the last few days are very excited for Maytag and Dependable Laundry Solutions Growth over the coming years.

Maytag has some amazing developments coming along that will truly change the game and we can’t wait to share more exciting news with you all as we have it!


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