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Time and money: two things businesses strive to increase and optimise.

Save money. Increase efficiency.

Where do you start? How can a laundry optimise a service that has been around for decades? Well, Technology is evolving quickly to optimise workflow in businesses. Newer commercial washer technology allows businesses to save money both short and long-term. With these changes, you’ll see gains in efficiency, productivity and repair costs.

This article will explain the various benefits that upgrading a commercial laundry can have for the business owner, the staff and the laundry.

Automate your process

With Automation, not only can you reduce some labour costs, you can optimise your business processes. You save time and money.

Many of the new larger Industrial  washing machines have a tilt function. The tilt function is an automated process that makes unloading a washer easier.

Benefits to tilt function washers:

  1. Saves time
  2. Unloading injuries reduced
  3. Reduced unload times
  4. Productivity increase in other areas of the laundry
  5. Overall efficiency increase in laundry

Laundries that have switched to tilt function washers have noted they have time for one extra wash cycle and dry per day.

To put a number to this. That is a 13% increase each 8 hour shift.

Looking further into the wash and dry process, modern machines can increase efficiencies even further – they’re able to accurately measure the amount of water you should be using. No more waste.

Save water, save energy

Are you wasting more water than you should be?

New commercial and industrial washers have microprocessor controls with water levels within the washer machine. This function allows water levels to be monitored and controlled precisely through each washing step.

Would you rather focus on saving power than water? You should think about how you can upgrade your dryer.

There are new dryer machines with the ability to stop the drying process when the garments are dry. This feature allows a laundry to not only save time, but also fuel and power.

If you would like more information the dryers available to you visit Dependable Laundry Solutions.

Better, programmed machines

It’s the small differences in the process that save a lot of time and money in the long run.

Precision programming is a function available in modern machines that can control the amount of water the machine is using.

How does it work?

Program in a diluting extract. The diluting extract will increase the effectiveness of each rinse cycle. This function removes the demand for unnecessary rinsing.

The machine will eliminate water, soils and chemicals it doesn’t need.

By upgrading to machines with precision programming, every 2 rinses can be replaced and approximately 10 minutes can be saved and used elsewhere.

Upgrade your laundry now

Upgrading your laundry will allow your business to function better in the long run. The laundry will optimise its workflow and reduce overall costs.

The upfront cost doesn’t need to scare you. There are ways to slowly upgrade your laundry.  


At Dependable Laundry Solutions, we have a wide range of Maytag and Girbau Australia washing machines and dryers available to suit your needs, and we’re also on hand to answer any questions that you might have. Simply visit our website to find out everything you need to know, or get in touch to talk to one of our qualified consultants.

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