Speak with us today: 1800 629 824


Our promise is in our name

We are on a mission, and we need YOUR help to achieve it!

It’s pretty simple, all we want to do is to save at-least 10,000,000 litres of water next year, and every year after that…

What has that got to do with you?
Well, by investing in New Commercial Front Load Washing Machines instead of Top Load Washing machines you can save 120 litres of Water each and every cycle for the life of your machine.

Picture this: You’ve upgraded your old clunky Top Load Washing machine to a new shiny MHN33PN Commercial Front Load washing machine and it is pumping through 3 cycles a day, every day for the next year… by the end of a year, you would have single-handedly saved 131,400 litres of wasted water just with your one washing machine.

131,400 liters of saved water is a huge saving to your hip pocket with dramatically lower water bills but not only that – it is also a lot more water remaining in our dams at a time that they are critically low.

And don’t forget the Warranty! Our Commercial Front Load Washers come with longer 5/7 Year Parts Warranty that is even longer than our Top Load Warranty, so you know that not only are you saving money each wash saving water but you will also have a machine that will outlast and outperform any other!

Call us on 1800 MAYTAG (1800 629 824) to upgrade to Commercial Front Load Washers or click HERE to find out more.

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