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All commercial laundries face a few common problems unique to their business. To combat these common problems, you’ll need the best advice and solutions.

As commercial washing machine suppliers, we’ll be sharing 4 of the common problems all commercial laundries are likely to face, and some effective solutions.

Rising Energy Costs for Commercial Laundries

The problem: Affecting many industries, not just commercial laundries, are the seemingly ever-increasing energy costs. Commercial laundries are heavily reliant on water, heat and electricity in day-to-day business operations. This puts pressure on running a commercial laundry and making a profit, but it does have a solution.

The solution: Make an investment, and potentially save thousands of dollars each year in your commercial laundry operations, by upgrading or switching to energy-efficient commercial laundry washing machines and equipment.

Solid Competition for Commercial Laundries

The problem: The commercial laundry sector has seen undeniable growth in recent years. With more commercial laundries than ever before as well as new laundry styles entering the market – think “Uber” for your washing, clients have a multitude of options to choose from. 

The solution: Whilst you can’t remove the competition, you can ensure yours has a unique service offering that makes your commercial laundry shine above the rest. Consider your pricing and how you can show your customers how irreplaceable your services are. The linen should be always well-laundered, and your service offerings and customer service should always be flawless. Along with your pricing and unique service offering, the solution is in your commercial laundries results and customer service, and the equipment you use to achieve it. 

Skilled Labour Shortages in Commercial Laundries

The problem: Along with equipment effort, a certain amount of human effort is required in the day-to-day operations of commercial laundries too. From operating the machines, cleaning, bookkeeping, administration and other human resources, your commercial laundry is in need of skilled workers. 

The solution: Retain your employees by providing good-quality wages and a positive work environment. Happy and well-looked after employees produce good-quality laundered linen and work more efficiently. Plus, they’ll likely be friendlier and provide better customer service too. Ensuring you have modern equipment with the latest technology including chemical injection and high spin speeds will cut down on mindless tasks for your staff to keep them focused and engaged where it really matters – with your clients. 

Outsourcing in Commercial Laundries

The problem: A common occurrence in commercial laundries is outsourcing cleaning activities to other businesses. Certain commercial laundries act as the middle-man to other dry-cleaners or small-scale washers in the area. Whilst this is a potential, significant cost saver for commercial laundry operators, doing so could pose risks to customers and results. The linen may not be laundered and cleaned to your standard, and you may lose clients. For healthcare and hospitality clients in particular, linen that is not cleaned to standard is not only, not good enough, it could be potentially dangerous too.

The solution: Keep your commercial laundry efficient, and your results dependable by doing all the work in the same place or choosing any outsourced suppliers very carefully.

These challenges don’t have to force you out of business.

With over 50 years in business, Dependable Laundry Solutions know the common problems facing commercial laundries and are happy to show you how to overcome them with effective solutions. 

As Australia’s leading distributors and laundry equipment suppliers for Maytag and Girbau commercial washing machines, we know commercial laundries and we’ve got you covered.

Do you need help with commercial laundry problems? Contact Dependable Solutions today to find out more about our expertise and laundry product solutions.

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