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Dependable blog

How to Optimise your Laundry Business and Maxim...

As any small business owner out there, you want to improve your operations to get better outcomes and increased revenue. You might have no idea where to start, though. An opti...

Everything you Need to Know about Aged Care Lau...

Hovering at the border between healthcare and hospitality, the aged care industry has special requirements and regulations when it comes to laundry sanitation. Fresh, properly...

3 Common Risks of Running a Laundromat

So you’ve decided to finally take the leap and open your own laundromat. It’s one of those businesses that never get old and has a high success rate provided you’re read...

Commercial Laundry Washer Maintenance: What you...

When you have a sizable laundry business and have invested in high-quality equipment, the last thing you want is for it to break down. Not only can repairs be expensive, but e...

Why Gas Dryers are a Great Investment for Your ...

Ever considered purchasing gas dryers for your business? Whether you’re running a laundromat or simply have a business with special washing requirements, like a hotel or an ...

Left in the dark with Warranty Worries? We̵...

Our American Built, Maytag Commercial washers and dryers are proudly backed by the best warranty in the industry, because we truly believe they are the most durable machines i...