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How to Enter the Laundry Business: 2019 Guide

Considering the laundry industry is a multi-billion dollar sector, being a laundry business owner can be a lucrative enterprise. That is, of course, provided you have a solid...

The Best Commercial, Industrial and Coin Washin...

As a leading supplier of Australian laundry machines for over 40 years, we have seen it all. Good machines, bad machines, and machines that offer true value - we have been ...

Hotel Laundry: How to Schedule Operations

Keeping laundry clean. Making sure there are enough towels. Balancing housekeeping staff on-hand with the workload required. And ultimately, keeping customers happy. These ta...

How to be Better Than Other Laundromats in Your...

The laundromat game can be competitive, but you can be better. Don't give the customer a reason to go anywhere else. This article lists 5 ways you can stand apart from other l...

Hotel Laundry Basics: What You Need to Know

Got questions about best practices and efficiencies in hotel laundry? We’ve tackled a few of the common queries we receive from hotel staff and owners. To Outsource, or Not ...

Water Saving Tips for Laundromats

In a world of increasing water shortages, rising water prices, and heightened social and competitive pressure to be eco-friendly, saving water has changed from a trendy option...